Spice Kitchen - Middle Eastern
Thick Spiced Moroccan Soup (Sunshine soup) with Garlic Flatbreads

One of our loyal customers and followers has shared a great recipe with us using our spices. Check it out!
Ingredients: (Serves 4)
- 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
- 1 Onion Diced
- 2 Small Celery sticks chopped including leaves
- 3 Medium sized carrots peeled and chopped roughly
- Sweet Potato, Peeled and Chopped into rough chunks. (I used a white variety from Asian stores which is purple on the outside but you can use the Orange variety.
- Half a Butternut Squash chopped into rough chunks.
- 1 tsp of Ground Coriander and Cumin mix (I used a company called Spice Kitchen for most of the dry Spices)
- 1 tsp of turmeric, (Spice Kitchen)
- 1 tsp of Chilli Powder, (Spice Kitchen)
- 1 tsp of Garam Masala, (Spice Kitchen)
- A Thumb Size amount of fresh Ginger finely chopped or grated if you prefer.
- 1 large clove of Garlic finely chopped
- A 3 cm piece of Cinnamon bark, (Spice Kitchen)
- Just over half a tin of chopped tomatoes (250g)
- 1 tbsp of Tomato Puree
- 1 Chicken Stock cube/Gel pot or Veg if Vegetarian
- In total about 500ml of water added to the Soup a bit at a time.
- 150g of Pre cooked Pearl Barley
- 250g (just over half a tin) of Butter beans
- 2 Handfuls of Fresh Spinach
- Chopped Fresh Parsley.
- Salt and Ground Black Pepper
Garlic Flatbreads:
- 200g of Plain Flour
- Warm Water just to bind
- Salt and Ground Black Pepper
- Sprinkle of Garlic Powder for each Flatbread.
Soup Method:
- Fry off the Onion in the Olive oil.
- Add your Celery, Carrots and Sweet Potato and start to sweat down for about 5 mins.
- Then add your Butternut Squash to the Soup mix and stir through.
- Add your Dry spices, Ginger and Garlic and cook for a further 5-10 mins to allow the spices to coat all the Vegetables.
- Next to go in are the Chopped Tomatoes, Tomato Puree, Butter Beans and stock with about 300ml of water to cook down for a further 10 mins.
- Add your Pearl Barley and allow that to simmer away nicely whilst you get on with the FlatBreads. Always check in-between if your soup needs a bit more water adding.
Flatbread Method:
-Take your 200g of Plain Flour, add salt and pepper and start to add a drop of warm water to it to bind to form a firm dough.
- Knead the dough only a couple of times.
- Stretch out into a thick sausage-like shape about 2 inches in width and divide into 5 parts.
- Roll the 5 parts of dough into a ball, add a sprinkle of your Garlic powder, roll again and then Roll out your dough as thinly as possible with a Rolling Pin on a lightly floured surface.
- Heat up a dry frying pan and once the Pan is very hot add your flatbread dough. You will then start to see it puff up and brown.
- Repeat the process with all the other dough balls.
- By now your soup will be ready to add the Spinach and any other seasoning required.
- Blitz your soup only with a few pulses as it needs to be thick.
- Add your fresh chopped Parsley.
- Voila! Ready to Dunk in with your FlatBread!